Sunday, September 21, 2008

I don't need a plastic bag!!!

One of the ways I contribute to the protection and conservation of our lovely planet is to bring my canvas and other cotton bags regularly with me when I go shopping. Don’t feel bad, it took me years to have the routine worked out automatically. I used to forget to put the bags in my trunk or even if I had them in the car, I would forget to take them with me at the store and felt lazy to go back to the car and bring them back to the store. After many “hit and missed” experiences, my brain got accustomed to the good habit and I even got my long term partner, Will, to get into the same habit.

Behind this conscious behavior modification, these shocking and unacceptable facts have motivated me to commit to the change…

· Each year, an estimated 500 billion to 1 trillion plastic bags are consumed worldwide. That comes out to over one million per minute. Billions end up as litter each year.

· According to the EPA (the U.S. Environment Protection Agency), over 380 billion plastic bags, sacks and wraps are consumed in the U.S. each year. Californians carry home an estimated 19 billion lightweight plastic bags each year, with about 6 billion of those used in Los Angeles County. Most of the bags end up in landfills or storm drains. Estimated cost for retailers is $4 billion.

· A mass of trash, composed mostly of plastic, twice the size of Texas is floating in the Pacific Ocean in the “North Pacific Gyre”. This stretches from about 500 nautical miles off the Californian coast, across the northern Pacific, past Hawaii and almost as far as Japan. This gigantic area covering our ocean will double in size in a decade if we don’t take any action!

· In the marine environment plastic bag litter is lethal, killing more than a million seabirds every year, as well as more than 100,000 marine mammals. After an animal is killed by plastic bags, its body decomposes and the plastic is released back into the environment where it can kill again.

· It can take between 15 and 1000 years for plastic to break down in the environment.

The good news is that nations around the world such as Japan, China and even some coastal Californian cities have banned the “single-use” plastic carry-out bags at all stores and restaurants. Besides, in my town in the Los Angeles East Valley, I have already noticed some positive changes in the mainstream community which might influence our councilmen to vote for the ban as well fairly soon. People who once thought that the green movement was only connected with old hippies or political activists realize that green is up to date with money saving and solutions to disastrous consequences on our environment. The other day, I had one of the best experience shopping at Walgreens that confirms my opinion. When I arrived at the front cahier to check out, I was very surprised that the cashier lady did not harass me with the same usual question that comes automatically after swiping your credit card in their electronic machine:” Do you want a bag?» She did not throw my groceries in two layers of plastic bag but simply left my stuff on the counter! So I told the lady:” Whao! I am glad you’re not asking me if I need a bag!” She immediately replied: “Well, people are getting greener these days “. “Yes, exactly and the stores can make great savings on it as well! Good job!’ I replied happily. This casual chat with a cashier lady at Walgreen's made my day. I shared it with all my friends and closed ones. I know things are changing for the best even in such a scary economical time!

On the other hand, some days when I line up at the front cashier at Vons or Ralphs , I wish I were wearing a T-shirt that says “ I DON”T NEED A BAG” and that the t-shirt would explain and educate people that plastic bags kill our marine animals, pollute our oceans, and poison our soil and rainwater. This would make the message bigger and louder and by the way save me repeat the words 50 times a month. Anyone has an idea for a T-shirt? Well, I haven’t found one yet but in the meantime, The retro band “Abe Lincoln Story” that I discovered at Taix French in Silverlake last summer may have read my mind since they wrote that cracking song “I DON”T NEED A BAG!”.

Check out below their hilarious video clip. They are also superb performers on stage!

Enjoy the clip and bring your canvass to Trader Joe’s next time! … And send me a T-shirt!

I don't need a bag video:

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